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We hold a "National collection" of "Clematis viticella cultivars" the information pages for those plants in the collection have been placed on this blue background     OS = Out of stock (usually temporary)
    NA = Not available (not being propagated, but still in the garden)
Clematis 'Abigail' £15.00 OS viticella, pale pink and white, July to Sep. Hard prune MORE#
Clematis 'Abundance' £10.00 viticella, Deep pink, free flowering July to Sep. Hard prune MORE#
Clematis 'Alba Luxurians' £12.50 viticella, white flowers July to Sep. hard prune MORE#
Clematis 'Aljonushka' £15.00 Rose pink hanging flowers, herbaceous habit, hard prune MORE#
Clematis 'Arabella' £10.00 Short growth, masses of light blue flowers July-Sep, Hard Prune MORE#
Clematis 'Avant Garde' £12.50 Red with double white centres, July to September, 15' Hard prune, MORE#
Clematis 'Bal Maiden' £15.00 Dusky red viticella, hard prune any aspect MORE#
Clematis 'Betty Corning' £12.50 Light blue bells pink flush, very scented, Hard prune MORE#
Clematis 'Black Prince' £12.50  viticella, Very dark purple flowers, July to September, hard prune MORE#
Clematis "Blue Angel" £12.50 Light blue fls, July to September Hard prune MORE#
Clematis "Blue belle" £10.00 viticella, Deep purple blue flowers, Aug to Oct. Hard prune MORE#
Clematis 'Blue Boy' £10.00 Blue flowers. July to September. Herbaceous habit 6-8' Hard prune MORE#
Clematis 'Bolam Belle' £15.00 viticella, Small purple bells July to Sep. Hard prune MORE#
Clematis 'Brocade' £15.00 Red nodding flowers July to Sep, Hard prune. MORE#
Clematis 'Burford Princess' £12.50 Two tone flowers July to Sep, Hard prune MORE#
Clematis 'Caerulea Luxurians' £12.50 viticella, light blue with green tips, July-Sep, Hard Prune MORE#
Clematis campaniflora £15.00 Species with small white bell like flowers July-Sep. MORE#
Clematis 'Carlien'  £12.50 Pretty pink viticella type, July-Sep, hard prune MORE#
Clematis 'Carmencita' £10.00 viticella type, red flowers July to Sep, Hard prune MORE#
Clematis 'Chacewater' £15.00 Very pale pink nodding flowers July to Sep, Hard prune any aspect MORE#
Clematis 'Charlie Brown' £12.50  Deep pink flowers July to September, Hard prune any aspect MORE#
Clematis 'Chatsworth' £12.50  Pale blue semi nodding flowers July to Sep, Hard prune any aspect MORE#
Clematis chiisanensis £15.00  Pale yellow flowers spring and summer. No prune in winter MORE#
Clematis 'Cicciolina' £12.50 Pink and white nodding flowers July to Sep, Hard prune any aspect MORE#
Clematis "Cornish Spirit" £10.00 Typical red purple viticella type July to September, 15' Hard prune any aspect MORE#
Clematis 'Danae' £12.50  Viticella type, blue flowers, July to Sep, any aspect, hard prune MORE#
Clematis 'Dark Eyes' 12.50 Purple bells with white central bar July-Sep, Hard prune MORE#
Clematis 'Eetika' £10.00 Deep pink/Red, hard prune any aspect MORE#
Clematis "Elvan" £10.00 viticella, Small purple nodding fls July to Sep. Hard prune MORE#
Clematis "Emilia Plater" £12.50 viticella, Light mauve blue July to Sep Hard prune MORE#
Clematis 'Entel' £10.00 Small pale pink, hard prune any aspect MORE#
Clematis 'Etoile Rose' £15.00 OS viticella, Rose pink with silver edged bells, hard prune in Spring MORE#
Clematis 'Etoile Violette' £10.00 viticella, Free flowering purple blue, Jun to Aug Hard prune MORE#
Clematis 'Forever Friends'  £12.50 glistening white flowers in summer, hard prune MORE#
Clematis 'Foxtrot' £15.00 viticella, Mauve and white nodding flowers, Hard Prune MORE#
Clematis "Gravetye Beauty" £12.50 texensis, Red open tulip shaped flowers, Hard prune MORE#
Clematis "Hagelby Pink" £12.50  Pink flowers July to September, viticella, Hard prune, any aspect MORE#
Clematis "Hagelby White" £15.00 White flowers July to September, viticella, Hard prune, any aspect MORE#
Clematis 'Hanna' £12.50 China blue flowers July to Sep, any aspect to 3M, hard prune in winter MORE#
Clematis "Heather Herschell" £10.00 Pink nodding flowers July to September, Hard Prune 6' MORE#
Clematis 'Huldine' £12.50 White fls with hint of pink, late summer Autumn Hard prune MORE#
Clematis 'I am a Lady Q' £12.50 viticella, pink and white flowers in profusion, hard prune  
Clematis 'Inspiration'  £10.00 Deep pink flowers July to Sep, semi herbaceous habit, 2M, Hard prune,  MORE#
Clematis 'Jaan' £15.00    
Clematis 'Joan Baker' £15.00 Nodding red purple bells in summer, hard prune MORE#
Clematis 'John Treasure' £15.00 Nodding red purple flowers, July to Sep. hard prune any aspect MORE#
Clematis 'Kaaru' £10.00 Red purple non gappy flowers July to September, hard prune any aspect MORE#
Clematis 'Kathryn Chapman' £12.50 Pale yellow flowers July to September, hard prune, keeps colour best in shade, otherwise white MORE#
Clematis "Kermesina" £10.00 viticella, Good free flowering Red July to Sep Hard prune MORE#
Clematis "Kyiv" £12.50 Deep purple flowers July - Sep. Hard prune any aspect MORE#
Clematis 'Killifreth' £15.00 Viticella, free flowing purple and white July to Sep, Hard prune any aspect MORE#
Clematis 'Krakow' £10.00 Pink viticella type, July to September, hard prune MORE#
Clematis 'Lambton Park' £15.00 Large yellow bell flowers July to Sep, Hard prune any aspect, good seed heads MORE#
Clematis "Last Dance" £15.00 tibetana type, Large yellow lanterns, orange peel scent, July-Oct.15-20'. Hard prune MORE#
Clematis 'Lavender Twirl'  £12.50  lavender blue flowers July to Sep. any aspect, 3M (10') hard prune MORE#
Clematis 'Lisboa' £12.50 Small deep mauve bells July to Sep. Hard prune , any aspect MORE#
Clematis 'Little Bas' £10.00 Broad nodding purple blue bells, July to Sep, hard prune any aspect MORE#
Clematis 'Little Butterfly' £12.50 Red purple bells, July to Sep, Hard prune MORE#
Clematis "Little Nell" £12.50  viticella, White and wine flowers July to Sep. Hard prune MORE#
Clematis "Madame Julia Correvon"  £10.00 viticella, Medium pink fls like splayed tulips July to September Hard prune MORE#
Clematis "Margot Koster" £12.50 viticella, Deep pink fls, July to September Hard prune MORE#
Clematis "Maria Cornelia" £15.00 viticella, white flowers with dark eyes July to Sep. Hard prune MORE
Clematis "Minuet" £10.00 viticella, white purple edged fls. July to Sep Hard prune MORE#
Clematis montana 'Alexander' £15 white scented flowers April/May MORE#
Clematis montana 'Broughton Star' £12.50  double pink  flowers in april/May 20'+ No prune MORE#
Clematis montana 'Elizabeth' £10.00 Pale pink montana classic MORE#
Clematis montana 'Freda' £15.00  scented pink  flowers in April/May 20' + No prune MORE#
Clematis montana 'Marjorie' £15.00   Pale pink double montana MORE#
Clematis montana 'Mayleen' £15.00   Large pink scented montana MORE#
Clematis montana 'Pink Perfection' £10.00 scented pink  flowers in April/May 20' + No prune MORE#
Clematis montana 'Prosperity' £15.00 Bright white flowers April/May often repeats 20'+  No Prune MORE#
Clematis montana 'Tetra Rose' £15.00  scented pink  flowers in April/May 20' + No prune MORE#
Clematis montana 'Warwickshire Rose' £12.50 deep pink  flowers in April/May 20' + No prune MORE#
Clematis montana 'Wilsonii' £15.00 scented white  flowers in May/June 20' + No prune MORE#
Clematis  'Morning Heaven' £12.50 viticella blue bells July- Sep 3M (10') Hard prune in winter MORE#
Clematis "Mrs. T. Lundell" £10.00 Pink flowers July to September, 9' Hard prune, any aspect MORE#
Clematis "Oberek" £15.00 Pink flowers July to Sep, hard prune in winter, any aspect MORE#
Clematis 'Odiriba' £12.50 Pink and white bells July to Sep, Hard prune MORE#
Clematis "Pagoda" £12.50 Pale pinky lavender fls. July on. Hard prune MORE#
Clematis 'Pendragon' £12.50  Red purple scented flowers July to Sep. Warm aspect, Hard prune MORE#
Clematis "Perle d'Azur" £15.00 Sky Blue 10cm fls July to September 20' Hard prune MORE#
Clematis 'Petit Faucon' £12.50  Purple upward facing flowers 3-4' Hard prune Non climbing  MORE#
Clematis 'Peveril Peach' £15.00 Small peach pink bells June to Sep. 2-3M hard prune in winter MORE#
Clematis 'Poldice £10.00 viticella, blue and white nodding flowers July to Sep, Hard Prune MORE#
Clematis "Polish Spirit" £10.00 viticella, Easy vigorous and free flowering, Purple flowers July to October Hard prune MORE#
Clematis "Prince Charles" £12.50 viticella, Lavender blue July to September Hard prune MORE#
Clematis 'Princess Diana' £12.50 texensis type, cherry red tulips July on 15' Hard prune MORE#
Clematis "Purple Haze" £10.00 viticella, A mass of flowers July to October, Purple young growth Hard prune MORE#
Clematis "Purpurea Plena Elegans" £10.00 viticella, Double red purple, free flowering, July to September Hard prune MORE#
Clematis 'Queen Mother' £15.00 viticella, wine red bells June to August. Hard prune MORE#
Clematis rehderiana £25.00  Cowslip shaped and scented light yellow fls in late sum. big. Hard prune MORE#
Clematis 'Reveri'   £10.00 Pink trumpet flowers July - Sep. Hard Prune MORE#
Clematis 'Richard's Picotee' £15.00 viticella, white with purple edges 3M hard prune MORE#
Clematis 'Rosalyn'   £15.00 Double purple, July to Sep, Hard prune MORE#
Clematis 'Rosea'  £15.00 viticella, pale pink bells July to Sep. Hard prune MORE#
Clematis "Royal Velours" £15.00  viticella, Velvety Purple fls, July to Sep 15' Hard prune MORE#
Clematis "Sodertalje" £10.00 viticella, Large red fls July to September 15' Hard prune MORE#
Clematis 'Sweet Summer Love' £15.00 viticella, masses of small red scented flowers MORE#
Clematis "Tango" £15.00 viticella, Red and white flowers July to Sep Hard prune MORE#
Clematis 'Tim's Passion' £12.50 viticella type, purple bells with white centres, hard prune in winter MORE#
Clematis 'Tranquility' £15.00 OS viticella x flammula, white flushed pink scented flowers MORE#
Clematis 'Vanessa' £10.00 Pale blue July to Sep. Hard prune MORE#
Clematis "Venosa Violacea" £15.00 viticella, Purple and cream flowers July to Sep. Hard prune MORE#
Clematis 'Ville de Lyon' £10.00 Bright red June to Sep, Hard prune MORE#
Clematis viticella £12.50  ('Piskey') Small purple bells, hard prune in spring MORE#
Clematis viticella 'Flora Plena'
(Syn 'Mary Rose') £15.00   
Small double fls July to September, Hard prune, avoid Northerly aspects MORE#
Clematis 'Vitiwester' £12.50 Deep red flowers July to Sep, Hard prune MORE#
Clematis 'Walenburg' £10.00 viticella, red & white flowers July to Sep, hard prune MORE#
Clematis "Warsaw Nike" £15.00 Purple 15cm May to September Hard prune MORE#
Clematis 'White Heart'  £15.00 Purple with inner white stripe, July - Sep, Hard prune MORE#
Clematis 'White Magic'  £12.50 Pure white flowers July to Sep, Hard prune any aspect MORE#
Clematis 'Wyevale'  £20.00 Herbaceous, scented blue flowers MORE#
Clematis x durandii £15.00 Indigo blue with gold eye, June to September MORE#
Clematis x eriostemon £12.50 Blue fls. July to September. Herbaceous habit 6-8' Hard prune MORE#
Clematis x jouiniana 'Praecox' £10.00 White & pale blue fls. in late summer Herbaceous Habit 12' Hard prune MORE#
Clematis x triternata Rubro-marginata £15.00 Masses of small white fls. with red edges in Late summer 20' Hard prune MORE#
Clematis 'Zolibe'  £12.50 Purple red with white bar in summer, any aspect, 2.4M, hard prune MORE#
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