Lapageria rosea 'Exquisita' (x-KEY-sea-tah)New in 2008 to my collection this pale blush
pink flowers. Like all Lapageria needs cool moist
acid soil in shade, absolutely hates direct sun for any length of time, although
the top of the plant will be happy if the lower part is shaded. The flowers are waxy bells
and it is in flower from
July through to March. Due to its flowering period and the fact
that new growth can be frost damaged it needs a sheltered place (min
-8c) or grow it down the shady end of the conservatory. 'Exquista' originated as an
lost/unlabeled plant from the Montenegro collection which passed to Berkeley in
2004 it is thought to be the old cultivar 'Rayan' it was given the named
Exquista which translates roughly to "Blush" by Carlos Rendon