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Lapageria rosea 'Elizabeth'

Exacting in its requirements, needs cool moist acid soil in shade, absolutely hates direct sun for any length of time. The flowers in this cultivar are a mid pink often with white shading, its shades of pink also change with temperature. It is extremely free flowering and also my best seed producer. In flower from August through to March, often in large trusses. Due to its flowering period and the fact that new growth can be frost damaged it needs a sheltered place (min -8c), or grow it down the shady end of the conservatory as I do.

The species L. rosea comes from Chile where its both endangered and the national flower. It was introduced around 1847. The seedling which became Lapageria 'Elizabeth' came from seed collected at Tregrehan, Cornwall.and was named by me. It has pink flowers which are effected by temperature, appearing almost white at the start of flowering in August but by Christmas are a nice even shell pink.

Now its planted out I hope to be able to asses this compared to other cultivars

  Lapageria rosea 'Elizabeth'

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