Just outside of Angol, a small town in southern Chile, is
El Vergel, the site
of a Methodist school of agriculture, and home of the largest collection
of wild and hybrid variants of Lapageria. One of the nursery's missions
is to collect and propagate natural and hybrid Copihues. In the early
1960s the school's Director, Elbert Reed, retired and moved to Stockton,
California. He took some plants with him. Others were sent to the
University of California, Berkeley Botanical Garden.
A number of years later, I had the opportunity to visit with Elbert
at his home in
Stockton (located in the Central Valley of California, with its hot
summers and cold, frequently foggy winters). He showed me a large
Copihue that covered the northeast quarter of the house. It had been our
understanding that even southern California would be too hot for it to
grow well, let alone the Central Valley. I was
able to purchase a
few plants from him
to try out at our lath house at Cal State Fullerton. The summer in
Fullerton is much cooler than Stockton, so
I anticipated little
trouble from the heat. We later received most of his collection as
a gift shortly before
his passing. Our collection is named the Elbert Reed Memorial Copihue
His recommendations for best results was to keep the soil on the acid
side and moist. Occasional feedings of blood meal also were beneficial.
Saturated, soggy soils should be avoided at the crown level (the plant
grows very much like Smilax, forming slender rhizomes).
Our cultural methods have been to
maintain a highly
organic and acid soil that did not compact upon aging. The plants are
planted in a ground
bed with a drain
tile connected to the
sewer system. Planting mix is made up of fine bark, peat, sand, and
coarse perlite almost in equal parts. We have also begun to use spent
orchid mix, greenhouse soil mix and redwood compost to refill the beds
as the organic material disappears. The important thing to remember is
to keep the mix open by including pumice and/or perlite so
it does not compact.
In-line fertilization is definitely helpful. (See note below.) ,
The best results have been obtained when the plants are
grown with no other
root competition and where the lower parts are partially shaded. Being a
vigorous vine, a firm
structure for climbing is a
must. Our vines have
grown up and out of the lath house-over ten feet,
into full sun. Many
of these leaves do not burn-even on hot days.
Flowers appear on shoots that are
at least a year old at
any time of the year.
The flower is made up of three outer colored sepals or tepals and three
inner petals. During warm summer months, especially warm nights, some
varieties tepals fail to color up, remaining shorter, green and
narrower. When the night temperatures fall into the low 50s (below 15
C), the petals become more firm and more intense in color. This is where
some selective breeding and weeding out could be done.
Colors reported range from a dark blood red, pinks, ivory to snow
white. Some are white with red edges. One variety we have is El Vergel
#9 which is white in summer, but with cooler weather becomes a light
pink: I know of a double red, and have heard of a
double white. No odor
is noticeable. Plants are normally pollinated by a
hummingbird. The native hummers try to
get the
nectar by working the
flowers from the
outside poking their beaks
between the petals.
The plants are self-sterile,
which means that in order to
get seed, pollen from two distinct individuals (from different
seeds) is required. Pollination can be effected once the pistil
elongates beyond the stamens. An edible fruit (pepino) full of BB sized seeds
and little else matures in about 4-6 months. Seed has germinated
from fallen fruits, but growth seems to be slow. More work is
needed in this area.
Vegetative propagation can be done by division of large clumps during
the cool part of the year. Cuttings are
difficult, but layering the tips of year-old-or-more shoots
has worked. El Vergel uses serpentine layering (one bud above the
soil, two below; one above, two below; etc.) in sand beginning in the
fall. The buried bud first swells and forms a
small corm-like structure from which the first roots emerge. This
forms the basis of a new growing point. The time for the formation of
the corm like structure may approach six months or more. Roots are not
produced from the mother stem probably accounting for the failure of
cuttings, unless a bud is buried. Given the time frame, the cutting
usually exhausts its carbohydrate reserves and dies before
reestablishing itself. We have not tried mist under cool, high-light
conditions. Tissue/ meristem culture is also a possibility.
Some botanical gardens, including Strybing Arboretum in San
Francisco, and seed companies (Thompson & Morgan)
occasionally sell plants. El Vergel offers material for sale, but I have
not had contact with them for more than ten years. See
below for varieties listed
as of 1981.
Varieties & Hybrids
of Lapageria, El Vergel Nursery
No. Araucanian Name Spanish Name/English Translation
1 Ligtomu Nube Blanca/White Cloud
2 Nahuelbuta Leon Grande/Big Lion
3 Colcopiu
Copihue/common red
4 Collinge Mejilla Roja/Red Cheek
5 Relmutral Arco
Iris de la Cascada/Waterfall Rainbow
6 Contulmo Sangre
de Toro/Bull's Blood
8 Raimilla Flor de
Oro/Gold Flower
9 — El
10 Cobquecura Pan de Piedra/Breadrock
11 Rayen Flor/Flower
12 Colibri not translated
13 Toqui Jefe de Caciques/Araucanian? Chief
14 Angol Angol (named after the city of Angol in Chile)
15 Quelipichun not translated
16 Caupolican Piedras Preciosas/Precious Stones (Named after a
Araucanian chief)
Colors by Number and Comments
1 Pure white and floriferous.
DC Berkeley has under
English name-White Cloud."
2 White with the interior petals splashed with violet.
3 Common red with white spots.
4 White with the edges of the petals splashed with red and purple;
flower medium in size; very
5 White with red rib in center; large flowers.
6 Very intense and dark red. Here at Cal State, it is less
dark and the outer sepals
do not elongate with the petals during warm weather.
8 Cream-ivory cream.
9 Reddish pink during cool weather, white during warm. Vigorous
grower for us and floriferous.
10 White with salmon red "orange."
11 Pink tinted with white. Large, wide flowers. Very
light pink during warm weather.
12 Small pallid pink flowers.
13 Large white
14 Pallid pink flowers with orange tint.
15 Double red flowers.
16 Very large flowers; intense red on vigorous stems.
Highly recommended.
19 Large pallid pink flowers.
At Cal State, we have #3,6,
9 and some good pinks that were no doubt hybrid seedlings between
varieties grown by Elbert Reed in Chile. Comments on colors, habit and
names were from the El Vergel catalog produced in the late 1960s and
from a letter in 1981.
From an e-mail from Dr. Song in March, 2000:
I still have some Lapagerias,
but not as many as before. A mushroom fungus got into the medium and
many plants died. The fungus rendered the medium water repellent. Only a
dark pink (quite vigorous) and a very dark red remain in the bed which
has been amended with lots of peat moss. This seems to have solved the
problem. I got a seedling off of No. 9 which has almost white flowers,
but it is still a
small plant. A professor here in Biology went to Chile several years ago
and brought back some fresh seed. These were cleaned and planted
immediately and germinated very well. We are now getting twiners on some.
He also brought back some No. 3 (Common Red).
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